Friday, February 12, 2010

Saturday Morning

Every time I entertain the idea that a baby would be a great idea, Saturday morning rolls around and my mind is changed in an instant. Saturday morning looks like this in our house (please remember that I am unemployed and my husband does not have to bring his work home):

Me (to my husband, about 10 a.m.): So, what are your plans for the weekend?
My Husband: Oh, well…..I need to go to the hardware store, I want to spend some time in the studio. That’s about it.
Me: I think I am going to hit up yoga and then go meet up with a friend. That’s about it. Want some pancakes?
My Husband: Yes!

So we slowly roll out of bed, pet the cat, make pancakes and go about our day.

No kids jumping on our bed waking us up at 6 a.m.
No shouting from the living room about whose toy is whose or what show to watch.
No “Whose turn is it to change the baby?”
No “Annika has a play date at 3 but Eric has soccer at 3. Can you call the Johnsons and see if they can take Eric to soccer?”
No “I think Annika is getting an attitude problem. What are we going to do about it?”

Oh, Saturday morning, you save me every week.

Reasons not to have a kid: 3
Reason to have a kid:0

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

“They make you laugh everyday.”

In a very serious conversation with a friend of mine (who does not have kids) on this Kids vs. No Kids debate, she said, very seriously, "But they make you laugh everyday.”

Well, my cat makes me laugh everyday. Do I really need a kid?

Reasons not to have a kid: 2
Reason to have a kid:0

Thursday, February 4, 2010

“But You’d Be Such a Good Mom.”

I have heard this a few times- “But You’d Be Such a Good Mom.”
No I wouldn’t.
Here’s why: Because sometimes I think I would be a good mom. I know it sounds illogical, but hear me out. Anyone who has the audacity to think they’d be great at the most stupid, crazy-hard job in the world (as I do) is CLEARLY too self absorbed and naïve to be an affective parent.
I watch parents make choices and think to myself a variety of things (usually negative) such as, “That was so stupid! They just taught their child that screaming in the store gets the child a stick of gum. I would never do that.” Who am I to make these judgments? And what makes me think I would do any better?

Reasons not to have a kid: 1
Reason to have a kid:0